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Dental Surgery Client feedback

Client review on Dental surgery

“As a greyhound owner, I was quite aware of the ‘Achilles heel’ most greyhounds face, which is their teeth. When Simon was brought up from the States, he had a full dental done, but one day when he was chewing on his bone, he yelped. Not thinking anything of it, and not seeing any blood or broken teeth at the time, I figured he was just being his normal ‘drama king’ self. When we went for his checkup was when the Dr’s noticed that his lower left canine tooth was fractured. My boy had to go in for a root canal under general anesthetic (which is also a scary thing for greyhounds). Luckily, Dr. Schell and the staff at Bow Bottom Vet clinic were there to help me and Simon (but mostly me) through the entire procedure, even allowing me to sit in the waiting room while the surgery was happening. Dr. Schell came out periodically and let me know how he was doing and what step they were at during the entire morning, which eased a lot of my fears.

Simon’s surgery was a great success and he hasn’t had any problems since. We now brush his teeth regularly and he is on a dental diet. He was and still isn’t a great eater-he mainly just eats when he’s hungry, but I did notice that since the surgery he ate more regularly and put on an extra 2-3 pounds.

Thanks to the staff at Bow Bottom Vet Clinic, Simon’s a healthy, happy pooch with a full mouth of pearly whites.

I also do have to say that it is well worth the cost to get pet insurance on your pets. Because we had this, we didn’t have to worry about the cost of Simon’s surgery, it was all covered under his policy, with a minimal $2 increase in premiums at renewal time.”
